1411 Haddon St. Houston, TX 77006

How to maximize the benefits of a massage

If you’ve recently had a massage, you might be asking yourself, how can I feel this way all the time? Believe it or not, the answer isn’t just “get more massage.” There are many things you can do to extend the benefits of the massage well after you’ve left the spa. The four that I’m going to talk about today are: water intake, at-home self care, communication and maintenance massage.

How to maximize the benefits of a massage



A common recommendation is to drink half an ounce of water for every pound of your weight. If you weigh 150 pounds, you could set a daily goal to drink 75 ounces of water. Of course, it’s best to check with your doctor when making changes to your diet and exercise plan.

Self care

Right after a massage, you can assist the healing process by soaking in a bath with Epsom salts, and maybe add some essential oils or CBD. For the weeks between massage sessions, make sure to stretch. If yoga and exercise aren’t part of your routine, ask your therapist about some of our stretching and massage tools that you can use at home. Applying heat treatments to tight muscles or taking a warm bath or shower before stretching can help maximize the benefits of stretching. Check out the wide variety of products and tools at Zalla Massage to help extend the benefits of your massage.


Speaking up during massage about what you like and don’t like is crucial to getting the amazing experience you came for. One of the Zalla core values is to “be passionate about giving your best,” and our therapists want to know what they can do to make your customized massage session the best it can be.

Frequent Massage

Just like maintaining your car, the body needs regular maintenance. Getting a massage only on special occasions or when you’re in pain is like only getting an oil change when car is making funny noise. Zalla Massage has lots of ways to make massage more affordable to fit it into your lifestyle. Check out www.ZallaMassage.com/Specials for all of our current offers.